Fostering kittens…

The story of Zorro... I had never had a pet cat. My mother never liked them (I'm still unsure why) and my youngest sister suffered terrible allergies from them. So bad that she actually ended up in the hospital emergency room with a completely swollen eye from cuddling a kitty!! So it is kind of strange that I have found myself fostering kittens and cats...

Our Animals

Our animals mean so much to our little family. Slowly our simple suburban residents is turning into a little farm or petting zoo. We are pretty certain that most of our visitors come to visit our animals. But...

It started with 2 bunnies…

It was coming up to our daughter's third birthday. We were living in the teeny tiny, super remote town of Meekatharra. Located in central Western Australia, approximately 6 hours in land from Geraldton. Birthday presents were slim

We Love Bunnies

We are so pleased you dropped by. Here you can follow our bunny loving journey. What started out with two tiny mini lops, is slowly growing into a passion as we gradually expand our bunny family.

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